Monday 23 July 2012

5 Landscapes

Alpine Landscape
- Abundance of Green and Blue
- Very Large Trees
- Very "bumpy" terrain
- Presence of small amounts of snow
- Strong lighting

Tropical Landscape
 - Abundance of a darker green and light brown
- Various high standing trees
- Intense lighting
- Rocky terrain partly covered by vegetation

Desert Landscape
 - Complete lack of green and dominance of brown
- Lack of trees and vegetation
- Baroness of the land
- Relatively flat terrain
- Intense lighting

Winter Landscape
- Absolute dominance of white
- Lack of any "dry" colours
- Leafless trees
- Weak lighting
- Vegetation and snow hide the terrain

Hong Kong Landscape
- Dominance of "wet" colours such as blue and green
- Evidence of civilisation
- Bumpy terrain
- Dense forest land
- Soft lighting

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